Appreciation for the craft of wedding filmmaking

25 June, 2023

Introducing the Clang Rose Film Festival, the brainchild of a pioneering individual with a deep appreciation for the artistry of wedding filmmakers and a strong desire to celebrate their extraordinary talents on an international stage.

As the founder and driving force behind this groundbreaking festival, Carmelo Soberano recognized the immense skill set possessed by wedding filmmakers and the need to acknowledge their exceptional contributions to the world of cinema. With a passion for storytelling and an unwavering belief in the power of love, Carmelo  embarked on a mission to create a platform where these talented filmmakers could be celebrated and honored like never before.

The Clang Rose Film Festival stands as a testament to Carmelo’s vision and unwavering dedication. It is a testament to their deep appreciation for the craft of wedding filmmaking and the desire to provide a global platform for filmmakers to showcase their artistry, connect with like-minded professionals, and inspire audiences worldwide.

With an acute understanding of the challenges faced by wedding filmmakers and a keen eye for exceptional talent, Carmelo  curated a festival that not only recognizes outstanding films but also serves as a catalyst for growth and development within the industry. Through engaging workshops, thought-provoking panel discussions, and valuable networking opportunities, Carmelo fosters an environment where wedding filmmakers can thrive and continue pushing the boundaries of their craft.

By establishing the Clang Rose Film Festival, Carmelo  has become a champion of wedding filmmakers around the globe. Their unwavering commitment to celebrating the artistry, passion, and dedication of these talented individuals has transformed the landscape of the wedding industry and positioned the festival as a beacon of inspiration and recognition.

Join Carmelo  on this extraordinary journey of celebration and innovation. The Clang Rose Film Festival invites you to be part of a historic moment, where the world comes together to honor wedding filmmakers and their remarkable contributions to the art of cinema. It is a testament to Carmelo’s vision, passion, and unwavering belief in the power of love stories brought to life through the lens of exceptional filmmakers.


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